Severe Macaws: Facts, Price, And Diet full details

Have you ever heard about Severe Macaws? These birds won’t be as well-known as some different parrots, however they’re unbelievable and colourful creatures value attending to know.

On this article, we’ll take a better take a look at Severe Macaws, their unique characteristics, and why they’re such fascinating birds.

Whether or not you are a chook fanatic or simply interested in these feathered buddies, let’s dive into the world of Severe Macaws collectively.

Severe Macaws – Full information 

Severe Macaws are usually not your everyday parrots. They’re particular, colourful, and full of character.

These parrots won’t be as well-known as some others, just like the Scarlet Macaw or the Blue and Gold Macaw, however they’ve their personal distinctive allure.

First issues first, let’s get to know them a bit higher. Severe Macaws are a gaggle of medium-sized parrots that belong to the Ara genus.

Severe Macaws
Severe Macaws

There are two main species: the Chestnut-fronted Macaw and the Illiger’s Macaw. They won’t be the most important parrots on the market, however they greater than make up for it with their vibrant personalities.

One of mainly the most putting options of Severe Macaws is their colourful plumage. They’re wearing a wealthy palette of greens, blues, and reds, making them a visible delight.

Their feathers are usually not only for present; they use them to speak and appeal to mates. After they unfold their wings, it is like a fireworks show of pure colours.

These parrots are recognized for their robust beaks. Their beaks are designed for cracking open nuts and seeds, their favourite snacks.

They must be robust to get to the tasty deal with inside. However do not let their highly effective beaks idiot you; they can be fairly light once they need to be.

effective Severe Macaws beaks
effective Severe Macaws beaks

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Severe macaws Behavior ?

Severe Macaws are usually not nearly appears; they’ve huge personalities too. They’re recognized for being playful, curious, and even a bit mischievous. When you have one as a pet, be ready for some entertaining antics.

They like to discover and work together with their environment, they usually’re not shy about letting what’s on their thoughts.

Talking of pets, Severe Macaws could make great companions if you happen to’re up for the duty. They’re clever birds that may be educated to do methods and even speak.

However bear in mind, they’re a long-term dedication. These birds can reside for a number of many years, so be ready for a lifelong friendship.

Severe Macaws
Severe Macaws

Where do severe macaws live?

Within the wild, Severe Macaws may be present in elements of Central and South America. They like to make their properties in forests and woodlands. They’re social birds and sometimes collect in small flocks.

Being in a gaggle helps them be careful for predators and discover meals extra simply.

Sadly, like many different parrot species, Severe Macaws face threats to their survival. Habitat loss on account of deforestation is a big concern.

When their properties are destroyed, they’ve a more durable time discovering meals and shelter. Unlawful pet commerce is one other drawback they face. Individuals generally seize these stunning birds to promote as pets, which is dangerous to their populations.

Conservation efforts are underway to guard Severe Macaws. Organizations and governments are working collectively to protect their pure habitats and crack down on unlawful wildlife commerce.

These efforts are main to make sure that future generations can benefit from the magnificence of these birds.

Severe Macaws won’t be mainly the most well-known parrots, however they’re definitely among the many most fascinating. With their gorgeous colours, robust beaks, and full of life personalities, they’re a novel half of the chook kingdom.

Whether or not you encounter them within the wild or select to share your home with one, these parrots are sure to go away a long-lasting impression. Let’s do our half to guard and recognize these exceptional birds.

Severe macaws lifespan

Severe Macaws lifespan is about 25 to 50 years. In the wild, their lifespan may be somewhat reduced due to various environmental factors and potential threats.

However, when these birds are kept as pets or in captivity, they can live for many decades if provided with a well-balanced diet, regular veterinary care, and a stimulating and enriching environment that is conducive to their Promotes mental and physical health.


spread wings Macaw
spread wings Macaw

Size of severe macaws ?

Severe macaws fall into the small size category. Their total length is (46-48 cm) or 18 to 19 inches.

Due to their small size, they can be comfortably kept in cages that are smaller than those required for other macaws.

Severe Macaw weight ?

These birds typically weigh between 350-400 grams.

The weight of severe macaws is primarily determined by their size, Their relatively light weight allows them to fly for extended periods of time.

on the girl's hand siting macaw
macaw sitting in girl’s hand

Severe Macaw Facts

  • Two Species: Severe Macaws belong to the Ara genus and consist of two main species: the Chestnut-fronted Macaw (Ara severus) and Illiger’s Macaw (Ara maracana). These two species are intently associated and share many traits.                                                                                                                                                                                   
  • Medium-Sized Parrots: Severe Macaws are thought of medium-sized parrots. They’re smaller than some of the extra well-known macaw species, however they’re nonetheless fairly substantial, with a median length of about 18-20 inches (45-50 cm).                                                                                                                                                       
  • Vibrant Plumage: These parrots are recognized for their putting and vibrant plumage. They usually show a mixture of inexperienced, blue, and crimson feathers. Their colourful look is one of their most distinctive options.                   
  • Strong Beaks: Severe Macaws have robust and highly effective beaks designed for cracking open nuts and seeds, which form a big half of their food regimen. Their beaks are sturdy and assist them entry the tasty morsels inside hard shells.                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Playful and Intelligent: Severe Macaws are recognized for their excessive intelligence and playful nature. They take pleasure in exploring their setting, fixing puzzles, and interacting with their environment. Their curious and mischievous habits makes them intriguing companions.                                                                                                 
  • Longevity: These parrots have a protracted lifespan. In captivity, they will reside for a number of many years, generally reaching 40 to 50 years or extra. Because of this proudly owning a Severe Macaw is a long-term dedication.                                                                                                                                                                          
  • Social Birds: Severe Macaws are social creatures and sometimes reside in small flocks within the wild. Being half of a gaggle helps them defend themselves from predators and discover meals extra successfully.                                     
  • Habitat:  They’re native to elements of Central and South America, primarily inhabiting forests and woodlands. Nonetheless, habitat loss on account of deforestation is a big menace to their populations.                                         
  • Threats and Conservation:  Severe Macaws face challenges within the wild, together with habitat destruction and unlawful pet commerce. Conservation efforts are in place to guard these birds and their habitats, with the purpose of making certain their survival for future generations.                                                                                                    
  • Potential as Pets: Severe Macaws could make pleasant and clever pets for these prepared to offer them with the care and a spotlight they want. They are often educated to carry out methods and even mimic human speech.

Severe Macaws Price 

The price of Severe Macaws can fluctuate relying on several elements such as age, coloration, and the place you buy them. On common, you may expect to pay anyplace from $2,000 to $3,500 for a Severe Macaw.

Nonetheless, costs can fluctuate primarily based on elements just like the chook’s age, whether or not it is hand-raised, its coloration mutations, and the fame of the vendor or breeder.

Firstly, the age of the chook can affect the worth. Youthful Severe Macaws, particularly hand-raised ones, are typically costlier than older birds. That is as a result of they require additional care and a spotlight when they’re younger.

One other issue that may affect the worth is the chook’s coloration. Some Severe Macaws have distinctive coloration mutations, making them extra wanted and, due to this fact, pricier.

The place you purchase your Severe Macaw additionally issues. Respected breeders often charge greater than pet shops as a result of they typically present higher care, well being checks, and socialization for their birds.

It is necessary to keep in mind that the preliminary value of shopping for a Severe Macaw is just the start. These birds require ongoing care, together with meals, housing, and common visits to the vet. So, it is advisable to finances for these bills as nicely.

Earlier than getting a Severe Macaw as a pet, be sure to’re prepared for the financial and time dedication. These birds can reside for a number of many years, so it is a long-term duty. Make sure you contact respected breeders or pet shops for mainly the most correct and up-to-date pricing information in your space.

Severe Macaws are stunning and clever birds, however they arrive with a worth. Count on to pay between $2,000 and $3,500 initially, however keep in mind that the prices do not finish there. Proudly owning a Severe Macaw means committing to their care and well-being for a few years to come back.

Severe Macaws eating
Severe Macaws eating


Severe Macaws Diet


High-quality parrot pellets are a staple in a Severe Macaw’s food regimen as a result of they’re particularly formulated to offer a balanced combine of nutritional vitamins, minerals, and vitamins. These pellets can be found in varied styles and sizes.

It is necessary to decide on pellets designed for medium to giant parrots like Severe Macaws. Avoid these with added synthetic colours or flavors. Present a measured quantity each day, and be sure that the pellets are contemporary.

Fresh Fruits

Severe Macaws take pleasure in contemporary fruits as a supply of important nutritional vitamins and pure sugars. Fruits like apples (with out seeds), oranges (with out seeds), bananas, grapes (minimize into small items), and berries are typically well-received by these birds.

Nonetheless, fruits needs to be given carefully on account of their sugar content material. Rotate the kinds of fruits to supply selection and to make sure a variety of vitamins.

Fresh Vegetables

Vegetables are important for offering fiber and extra nutritional vitamins to a Severe Macaw’s food regimen.

Examples of appropriate vegetables include broccoli, carrots (grated or thinly sliced), spinach, candy potatoes (cooked and diced), and bell peppers. Be sure that the greens are contemporary and clear earlier than providing them to your chook.


Nuts are a favourite deal with for Severe Macaws. They’re an excellent supply of wholesome fat, that are important for their general well being. Nonetheless, nuts are additionally calorie-dense, so supply them carefully.

You’ll be able to present unsalted, unshelled nuts equivalent to almonds, walnuts, and Brazil nuts. Take into account breaking bigger nuts into smaller items for simpler consumption.


Whereas seeds may be half of a Severe Macaw’s food regimen, they shouldn’t be the first supply of vitamin.

Seeds are excessive in fats and might result in weight problems if consumed in extra. Use seeds as an occasional deal with somewhat than a each day staple. Seed mixes designed for parrots may be supplied, however it’s necessary to manage the portion dimension.


Severe Macaws want protein to take care of their well being and power ranges. You’ll be able to supply cooked lean meats equivalent to hen or turkey, in addition to cooked eggs (scrambled or hard-boiled).

Legumes like lentils and beans are additionally good sources of protein. Be sure that any meat or eggs are totally cooked and free from added seasonings or spices.


Contemporary, clear water ought to at all times be out there to your Severe Macaw. Be sure that the water is modified each day to forestall contamination. Birds can change into dehydrated rapidly, so it is important to observe their water consumption frequently.

Avoid Toxic Foods

Certain meals are toxic to birds and needs to be strictly prevented. These embrace chocolate, caffeine (present in espresso and tea), avocados, alcohol, and any meals that incorporates added sugars or artificial sweeteners. These substances may be dangerous and even deadly to your Severe Macaw.


Offering a spread of meals is important to fulfill all of your Severe Macaw’s dietary needs. Totally different meals supply completely different nutritional vitamins and minerals, so a various food regimen helps stop dietary deficiencies.

Rotating the kinds of fruits, greens, and different meals you supply can maintain your chook engaged and wholesome.

Consult a Vet

For personalized dietary steering, consult with an avian veterinarian. They will assess your Severe Macaw’s particular dietary needs primarily based on its age, well being, and individual preferences.

A vet will help you create a well-balanced food regimen plan tailor-made to your chook’s requirements. Common check-ups with a vet are additionally main for monitoring your chook’s general well being and dietary standing.

Severe macaw names?

When it comes to naming your Severe Macaw, you can choose from a variety of names that suit their vibrant and intelligent personalities. Here are some name ideas:

  • Rio
  • Sunny
  • Mango
  • Jasper
  • Lola
  • Marley
  • Ruby
  • Kiwi
  • Peanut
  • Picasso
  • Skittles
  • Blue
  • Zara
  • Gizmo
  • Bella

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is the lifespan of a Severe Macaw?

Ans. Severe Macaws have a protracted lifespan and might reside for a number of many years. In captivity, they will generally attain 40 to 50 years or extra with proper care.

Q. Are Severe Macaws known for any specific behaviors or traits?

Ans. Yes, Severe Macaws are known for their playful and clever nature. They’re curious birds that take pleasure in exploring their setting and interacting with their environment. They can be fairly vocal and will mimic speech if educated.

Q. What should be included in a Severe Macaw’s cage setup?

Ans. A Severe Macaw’s cage needs to be spacious sufficient to permit for motion and train. Present perches of various sizes and supplies to assist maintain their toes wholesome. Toys, equivalent to puzzle toys and chewable objects, will help maintain them mentally stimulated. Moreover, make certain the cage is positioned in a location the place they will work together with their human household.

Q. How do Severe Macaws contribute to the ecosystem in the wild?

A. Severe Macaws play a role in their ecosystem by serving to with seed dispersal. After they eat fruits and nuts within the wild, they might scatter seeds, which might result in the expansion of new vegetation and bushes. This helps keep the biodiversity of their habitat.

Q. What are the common health issues that Severe Macaws may face?

A. Severe Macaws, like different parrot species, may be vulnerable to well being points equivalent to respiratory infections, feather plucking, and beak and feather illness. Common veterinary check-ups, a balanced food regimen, and a clear dwelling setting are important for their well-being.


Severe Macaws are fascinating parrots recognized for their vibrant plumage, playful personalities, and intelligence. Whereas they may not be as well-known as some different macaw species, they maintain their distinctive allure.

As pets, they require a long-term dedication, each financially and in phrases of care, due to their extended lifespan. Within the wild, they contribute to their ecosystem by aiding in seed dispersal.

Nonetheless, they face threats equivalent to habitat loss and unlawful pet commerce, necessitating conservation efforts. Whether or not admired in their pure habitat or cherished as pets, Severe Macaws remind us of the sweetness and significance of these exceptional birds in our world.

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Macaw guide

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